
How To Get A Closer Shave

Let us picture an evening when you wake up with a face that has become numb. No itching stubble, no hint of beard radiating under the skin. Smooth, confident face with not a trace of any spot or blemish, which is prepared to face any challenge.

It may seem like a myth that a home-murdered shave is of the same class as the one you get at the barbershop, but hold on, dear beard seeker. Experiment with different shaving brushes, razors, and creams to find the exact tool combination that turns you into a shaving connoisseur who feels as smooth as a million dollars (or, for that matter, your preferred currency).

Therefore, it does not matter if you are an experienced shaver seeking the ultimate perfection or an anxious initiator for that first shaving session; this manual is for you.

We will address the vital points of a perfect shave, the available equipment, how they work, and how they deal with issues such as shaving burns and ingrown hairs.

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The Ultimate Guide For Getting A Close Shave

Start by taking a hot shower or applying warm water to the removal area for a closer shave, suitable for both men and women. For men's faces and chests, use pre-shave cream or go for a pre-shave oil; for women's faces, underarms, and legs, opt for a light moisturizing cream.

For the bikini area, use a shaving gel to improve razor glide for a softer, more cozy shave. Proceed to remove hair with a razor blade in the direction of its growth. Rinse the shaved area with cool water and pat it dry. Before shaving, exfoliating your skin is a smart move, eliminating dead skin cells that can interfere with the razor's action.

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Skipping this step may result in dead cells clogging up your razor, making it challenging to achieve a close shave. Exfoliation also removes oil and dirt, preventing razor drag and skin irritation. This process helps open up pores, allowing shaving cream or gel to penetrate better, ensuring a smoother, closer shave.

Choose a physical or chemical exfoliator based on how much sensitive skin you have. Now, let's explore the slightly differing close shaving methods for both men and women. Here's how:

Achieve A Flawless Shave: Expert Tips For Men

1- Face

Start with a hot shower to soften your facial hair and open up those follicles. It sets the stage for a smoother shave. Lather up your stubble using a shaving brush and shaving Cream. Take an olive-sized amount of cream and swirl your brush in it for about a minute until it’s all lathered up and ready.

Apply the cream to your face using a circular motion to stop your dead skin cells from clogging up your hair follicles. Cover your beard evenly, but avoid lathering over skin moles to prevent nicks and cuts. To check if the lather’s right, ensure it feels slick between your thumb and index finger.

It should be wet but not greasy and shouldn’t slip through your fingers. Next, here’s how to get a closer shave on your face:

  1. Pick Your Razor Carefully - Choose a shaving razor along with a cream, a shaving bowl, and pre-shave oils. We recommend going manual, as manual razors give the best close shave. You can go for a straight razor, electric razor, double-edge safety razor, disposable razor, or others for this purpose.
  2. Avoiding Razor Bumps - Avoid going against the grain of your beard growth to prevent razor bumps. Stick with the grain and use parallel strokes of your razor to remove hair in the direction of its growth. If you need a closer shave, try some diagonal strokes.
  3. Learn A Shaving Technique For A Close & Comfortable Shave - If you want to learn how to get a clean shave without stubble, give the freshly shaved areas a second pass. Use the razor in the opposite direction to catch any stubborn bits of stubble. But why do you need to do this? It’s because figuring out which way your facial hair grows can be tricky since it goes in all directions. So, you might end up shaving against the grain without even realizing it. But be careful not to over-shave for a close and comfortable shave to avoid skin irritation.
  4. Post-Shave Care - Once you’ve finished shaving, treat your skin to a post-shave balm. Look for one with cooling ingredients like eucalyptus or menthol to soothe your skin and keep it hydrated.
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Read More: How To Store Belts And Ties

2- Chest

Some men like to shave chest hair, while others don’t. It’s all a matter of personal preference. Getting rid of chest hair can also be about comfort, as it can cause discomfort underneath your clothes. If you’ve got a thicket of chest hair, never use a regular razor up front.

Thick hairs make your razor work extra hard, increasing the chances of painful nicks and cuts. So, before you go in for the full shave, it’s wise to trim the hair a bit to avoid constantly unclogging your razor. Here’s how to close shave your chest hair:

  1. Grab a pair of clippers or a trimmer to trim your chest hair. Leave only enough for your razor to grip onto.
  2. Lather on the shaving cream. Now, for the shaving part, start from the outer edges of your chest and work towards the center. Gently run your razor against the natural direction of hair growth. It helps to pull your skin taut and gets you an ultra-close shave, tackling any potential ingrown hairs. Don’t forget to be careful around your nipples.
  3. Remember to rinse the razor regularly. This keeps the blades close to your skin and maintains hygiene by getting rid of dead skin cells you’ll pick up along the way.
  4. Keep reapplying shaving cream as needed, especially if you’re going over the same spots a few times. Sometimes, the cream gets washed away as you work, so lather up again. When you’re done with the shaving business, jump in the shower to wash away rogue hairs, any excess shaving cream, or lingering cream. Then, gently pat your skin dry with a towel.

Achieving A Silky Smooth Shave: Tips For Women

1- Underarms

For shaving underarms, consider using a razor-like Schick Hydro Silk TrimStyle. It’s good at navigating tricky spots and gives you a close shave. Follow the steps below to close shave underarms:

  1. Start by dampening your skin with warm water and put on a light moisturizing cream. Lift your arm high while you’re shaving to make your skin taut.
  2. Shave from the bottom to the top, letting the razor smoothly slide over your skin. If you’ve got thick or coarse underarm hair, try not to go over the same spot more than once to avoid irritating your skin. No need to apply too much pressure.
  3. After shaving, hold off on slapping on deodorants right away. Doing that can lead to irritation and stinging. To dodge that discomfort, shave your underarms at night and give your skin time to settle down before putting on any deodorant.
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2- Facial Hairs

If you have excessive facial hair, it could be attributed to a medical condition like PCOS. Therefore, consult your doctor before you go ahead and consider removal.

While waxing is often recommended for women, if your skin is prone to irritation, facial shaving can be a suitable alternative. Every woman has facial hair, categorized into Vellus and terminal hair.

Vellus hair, almost invisible peachy fuzz, regulates temperature and aids sweat evaporation. It's fine and transparent, found on cheeks, forehead, lips, neck, chin, and sideburns.

Terminal hair is darker and coarser, present on the upper and lower lips, sideburns, neck, and chin. Facial shaving can effectively remove both types. Here's how to achieve a close shave for your facial hair:

  1. Start by cleaning your skin and making sure it’s completely dry. When it comes to facial shaving, you usually do it on dry skin without any shaving cream. But if your skin gets irritated by dry shaving, you can apply a little moisturizing lotion or cream before you start.
  2. Get yourself a single-blade razor designed for women’s facial shaving. And remember, never use a dull razor because it can cause nicks and irritation.
  3. While shaving, use one hand to pull your skin taut. Hold the razor at about a 45-degree angle and gently glide it over your skin using short, light strokes. Don’t put too much pressure on it. Always go in the direction of your hair growth to avoid irritation. After each stroke, rinse the razor.
  4. Be extra careful when shaving around your eyes, and only do it if you’re confident with the razor. Once you’re done, rinse your face and make sure to moisturize right away.

3- Legs

If you want super smooth legs, you might want to check out the Billie Razor Starter Kit. It’s great because it won’t irritate your skin. Besides, it has an aloe-infused strip that moisturizes your skin after shaving. Next, here’s how to get a closer shave on your legs:

  1. Wet your skin for about three minutes to go for a wet shave, then slap on a light moisturizing cream. The water helps plump up the hair, so it’s easier to cut, and the cream helps lock in that moisture.
  2. When shaving, use gentle, even strokes without pushing too hard. Be extra careful when shaving over bony areas like your ankles, shins, and knees.
  3. For your knees, just bend them slightly to make the skin taut before shaving. It’s hard to shave skin that’s all folded up.
  4. Stay warm while you’re at it so you don’t get goosebumps because it makes shaving a bit trickier when the skin isn’t smooth.
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4- Bikini Line

For a close shave in your bikini area, first, moisten your pubic hair with water for about three minutes. Since the hair down there can be thicker, denser, and curlier, it’s a good idea to use a thick shaving gel. The skin in your bikini area is pretty delicate, so you want to be extra cautious not to nick it. Next, here’s how to get the closest shave on your bikini area:

  • When shaving, go horizontal – from the outside to the inside of your upper thigh and groin area. Keep it smooth and even.
  • Make it a regular thing and shave this area year-round. This helps prevent irritation and ingrown hairs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Can't I Get A Closer Shave?

Getting a closer shave can be tricky. But there are a few common reasons you might not be achieving baby-smooth results. First, ensure you’re moistening the removal area with warm water, using a shaving gel and a sharp razor. Dull blades just won’t cut it. 

Also, try shaving toward hair growth, not against it, as this can reduce irritation and give you a closer cut. Lastly, take your time and go over the same area gently, but don’t press too hard to avoid razor burn.

How Do Actors Get Such A Close Shave?

Actors seem to get close shaves because they often have access to professional barbers and grooming experts who know all the tricks of the trade. These experts use high-quality, sharp razors and sometimes do multiple passes to ensure the closest shave possible. 

They also prep the skin with warm towels and top-notch shaving products, which can make a huge difference in getting that smooth finish. Besides, they’re not rushing like we do in our everyday routine.

How Can I Get The Smoothest Shave?

To achieve the smoothest shave, you’ve got to prep your skin properly. Start by using a warm shower or a warm, wet towel to soften your hair and open up your pores. Use a good-quality shaving cream or gel to create a smooth surface for the razor. 

Make sure your razor is sharp, and shave toward hair growth. After shaving, rinse your face with cold water to close up pores, and finish with a moisturizing aftershave or lotion to soothe your skin.

Why Do I Never Get A Clean Shave?

If you're struggling to get a clean shave and still see hair after shaving, it could be due to a few reasons. First, your razor might be dull, so try changing the blade. Secondly, not properly exfoliating your skin before shaving can trap hair under dead skin cells.

Finally, if you’re shaving against the grain, you might be causing ingrown hairs or irritation, making it look like you haven’t achieved a clean shave.

Why Do I Still See Hair After Shaving?

You might see hair after shaving because it is sometimes cut just below the skin’s surface, so it might still be visible. It can also be because of the direction you’re shaving in. Adjust the direction and experiment to see what works best for your hair growth pattern. 

If you have dark hair, it might show through the skin slightly, even after a close shave. So, don’t worry too much about it, as nobody’s skin is perfectly clear after shaving.


If you’ve ever battled ingrown hairs, irritated skin, or stubborn razor bumps, you now possess the knowledge of how to get a closer shave. Remember the essentials: exfoliate, shower, or moisten the area, trim longer hairs, and opt for a manual razor. 

Always follow the hair’s direction, and use the proper lather – shaving gel for men and moisturizer for women. With these tips and tricks, you’ll consistently achieve that ultra-smooth, close shave you’ve longed for!

Sophia William

An accomplished author with an impressive history of 6 years of contributions to renowned informational websites.

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